Career Advice
Free Advice! Early planning with a career counselor will make sure you have the right skills to be the top candidate and increase your chances of getting internships and jobs. Our counselors may help you with:
Choosing a major/career
Determining career options within your major
Suggestions on electives
What career field fits your personality
Resumes and cover letter critiques
Interview preparation
Job search strategies
Internship resources
Graduate/professional school assistance
Employer research
Please stop by 1301 Human Services Center or call our office at 217-581-2412 to schedule an appointment with one of our career counselors or, even better, schedule an appointment with a career counselor online via ! Find a time they are available and book it with a snap! Please note our lateness & no show-policies below.
Log in with your 91成人视频 username and password. From your homepage, click on "Career Center", then "Appointments" from the options. Click the blue "Schedule An Appointment" button.
Choose an appointment type that best fits your reason for a visit.
Select a date from the calendar and appointment times available will appear.
Select a counselor (based on appointment type and/or major).
Select appointment medium.
Add in additional details in comment box that will help us assist you.
Click Request. Be sure to check your 91成人视频 email account for updates!
An e-mail reminder will be sent to your 91成人视频 email address 24 hours and 1 hour prior to your appointment. Please note our lateness & no show-policies below. Need to cancel or reschedule? You can easily change your appointment via your HANDSHAKE account or call us at 217-581-2412.
Lateness & No-Show Policies for Individual Advising Appointments:
When a student fails to show up for a scheduled appointment, it negatively impacts their fellow students' access to appointments with 91成人视频 Career Services staff. We have a finite number of appointments available each week and would like to serve as many students as possible.
It is important to cancel or reschedule your appointment as soon as possible in order to give another student an option for that time. If you are sick, we appreciate your staying home and taking care of yourself.
Due to the professional nature of 91成人视频 Career Services appointments, the following policies will be enforced when you fail to show up for a scheduled appointment.
A no-show is considered any appointment in which a student fails to attend without calling to cancel prior to the appointment start time, or when the student is more than 10 minutes late without notification.
Second No-Show
If you no-show for a scheduled appointment with a career counselor asecond time, your ability to schedule appointments will be rescinded until you speak with the Director of Career Services to get your access re-instated.
No-shows will be reset/cleared at the start of each academic term and will not carry over from year to year.
If a student must be late, he/she must notify Career Services via phone within the 10 minute grace period. If notification has NOT been received within the 10 minute grace period, the appointment will be cancelled and the student must reschedule.
To minimize disruption for other students, if you arrive less than 10 minutes late, your appointment will be reduced by the number of minutes you arrive late. Appointments cannot be extended and will end at the originally scheduled time.
We understand that as busy students your schedule may change unexpectedly. However, in the case of illness or an emergency, when you schedule a career advising appointment, we expect you to attend.