Exploring Careers and Majors...
Having trouble deciding on a career or major?
Don't know what to do with the major you have chosen?
Whether you are undecided on a major or are unsure if your current major is the right fit, exploring your personal interests along with your academic and career options will help you clarify your goals and identify a plan of action.
Here's how we can help ...
Focus 2 - Online Assessment Program
Online self-assessment program. Get your password today and get started!
General overview of majors and jobs associated with each major. Also contains links to additional resources.
Externship Program (Job Shadowing)
Find out first hand if your career choice is right for you. Participate in a one-day job shadowing experience.
Schedule an appointment with a Career Counselor for answers to your questions and professional career advice.
Other sites to Explore
This talk show vlog features video interviews with professionals from all kinds of
career paths who share the realities of their work so that viewers can learn first-hand
what each path is like.
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, this site provides resources for career
exploration, training, and jobs.