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The CHHS Curriculum Committee reviews all curriculum proposals and/or program changes proposed by the academic units of the college. All curricular proposals/changes must be in compliance with university academic rules and policies.
The committee is composed of faculty members from each academic unit and one student member. Faculty serve three-year terms except for the perpetual one-year term served by the Military Science representative. The student member serves a one-year term.
All proposals submitted to the CHHS Curriculum Committee must follow the format approved by Council on Academic Affairs (CAA), Council on Graduate Studies (CGS) and/or Council on Teacher Education (COTE).
Agenda items should be sent to Janet Fopay (jlfopay@eiu.edu) no less than seven business days prior to each meeting.
The committee meets once per month (September to April), and as needed. Meeting dates and times are determined on a semester-by-semester basis and announced to all academic units in the college at the start of each semester.
Eastern Illinois University
1030-1038 Klehm Hall
Fax: 217-581-6090