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91成人视频 College of Education

Education Student Assistance Fund

The Dean of the College of Education offers financial support to undergraduate students who need assistance paying for testing, licensure, and other fees required for employment. The goal is to support students in meeting the external costs of education required for state licensure where the need is the greatest. 

The funds are available to undergraduate students (a) with unmet financial need, (b) who are first generation students, and/or (c) who are ethnic minorities. Additionally, applicants should be in good academic standing and seeking a degree within the College of Education. 

The scholarship can be used to pay for background checks, LiveText, edTPA, content tests, and licensure  Evidence of test preparation is required for students seeking funds to pay for repeat tests. Finally, the scholarship can also be used to pay for transportation for practical experiences.

Applications may be submitted for multiple requests.  The College will pay the service provider directly and will not award the funds to the student’s account. Therefore, awardees can expect to work with the Associate Dean and the Assistant to the Dean to arrange a time to complete the registration form so that the College can pay the fee. This may entail you completing the form on the computers in the Dean’s suite of offices.

Requests for these funds must be for expenses that will be incurred during the current semester (for Spring 2022, ending May 7).  Funds cannot be used to reimburse a student for fees or other expenses which have already been paid.  Funds may not be used for 91成人视频 tuition or fees, or to pay off unpaid student account balances.

Once you have submitted your request, Ms. Olivia Koester will contact you via 91成人视频 email to inform you of your award and what steps you will need to take. 

Please note that once your eligibility has been determined, you will need to come to the College of Education Dean's Office (1420 Buzzard Hall) to complete the process.

To apply for assistance, please click here.

Please contact Ms. Koester (okkoester@eiu.edu) or (217) 581-2524)  if you have questions or need more information.


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