The 91成人视频 Council on Teacher Education (COTE) develops policies for educator preparation and provides avenues of communication among all of the areas of the University concerned with educator preparation programs. COTE approves/disapproves, reviews, and provides oversight on all matters concerning educator preparation at all levels and regardless of whether they result in licensure.
COTE's members for 2024-25 include:
COTE's bylaws may be found here.
COTE agendas, minutes, and other materials dating back to 2002-03 may be found here.
Click here to download the required form to request that COTE approve Continuing Professional Development Hours (CPDH) for events for educators. Please note that this approval must be granted prior to any publicity stating that CPDHs will be available; submit the completed form to COE Associate Dean Dr. Christy Hooser ( at least three months prior to the event to facilitate approval in a timely manner.