Master's Degree in Education (MSED)
Master of Science in Education in Educational Leadership is designed to meet the needs of those educators interested in entry leadership positions in their schools: grade level leader, team leader, department chair, curriculum director/coordinator, athletic director, dean of students, etc.
There are three (3) MSED study plan options available to enroll into, as follows:
MSED Option #1 - Teacher Leader (33-hrs) ... required coursework ...
Core Educational Leadership classes:
- EDL 5410 - School Law (3 hrs.)
- EDL 5420 - Managing Educational Resources (3)
- EDL 5600 - Introduction to Organization & Administration (3)
- EDL 5700 - Enhancing Effective Practice (3)
- EDL 5870 - Personnel Administration (3)
- EDL 5900 - Research in Education (3)
Non-EDL classes (fully online delivery):
- EDF 5500 - Theory into Practice: Curriculum Development (3 hrs.)
- EDF 5510 - Theory into Practice: Social Foundations of Educational Practice (3)
- EDP 5300 - Theory into Practice: Psychological Foundations of Educational Practice (3)
- ELE 5520 - Supporting High Quality Instruction Across All Content Areas (3)
- SPE 5675 - Assessments, Programs & Services for Students with Exceptionalities... (3)
* A minimum of 33 semester hours is required for the degree. All hours included in a student's plan of study MUST be within a 6-year time limit preceding receipt of the degree. At least 21 hours must be from 91成人视频.
MSED Option #2 - Principal (33-hrs) ... required coursework ...
Core Educational Leadership classes:
- EDL 5410 - School Law (3 hrs.)
- EDL 5420 - Managing Educational Resources (3)
- EDL 5600 - Introduction to Organization & Administration (3)
- EDL 5700 - Enhancing Effective Practice (3)
- EDL 5870 - Personnel Administration (3)
- EDL 5900 - Research in Education (3)
Non-EDL classes (fully online delivery) ... CHOICE of TWO:
- EDF 5500 - Theory into Practice: Curriculum Development (3 hrs.)
- EDF 5510 - Theory into Practice: Social Foundations of Educational Practice (3)
- EDP 5300 - Theory into Practice: Psychological Foundations of Educational Practice (3)
- ELE 5520 - Supporting High Quality Instruction Across All Content Areas (3)
- SPE 5675 - Assessments, Programs & Services for Students with Exceptionalities... (3)
Principal Sequence (must be pre-admitted into PEP program):
- EDL 5630 - The Principalship (3 hrs.)
- EDL 5891 - Practicum in School Leadership (2)
- EDL 5892 - Practicum in School Leadership (2)
- EDL 5893 - Practicum in School Leadership (2)
* A minimum of 33 semester hours is required for the degree. All hours included in a student's plan of study MUST be within a 6-year time limit preceding receipt of the degree. At least 21 hours must be from 91成人视频.
MSED Option #3 - Teacher Leader AND Principal (42-hrs) ... required coursework ...
Core Educational Leadership classes:
- EDL 5410 - School Law (3 hrs.)
- EDL 5420 - Managing Educational Resources (3)
- EDL 5600 - Introduction to Organization & Administration (3)
- EDL 5700 - Enhancing Effective Practice (3)
- EDL 5870 - Personnel Administration (3)
- EDL 5900 - Research in Education (3)
Non-EDL classes (fully online delivery):
- EDF 5500 - Theory into Practice: Curriculum Development (3 hrs.)
- EDF 5510 - Theory into Practice: Social Foundations of Educational Practice (3)
- EDP 5300 - Theory into Practice: Psychological Foundations of Educational Practice (3)
- ELE 5520 - Supporting High Quality Instruction Across All Content Areas (3)
- SPE 5675 - Assessments, Programs & Services for Students with Exceptionalities... (3)
Principal Sequence (must be pre-admitted into PEP program):
- EDL 5630 - The Principalship (3 hrs.)
- EDL 5891 - Practicum in School Leadership (2)
- EDL 5892 - Practicum in School Leadership (2)
- EDL 5893 - Practicum in School Leadership (2)
* A minimum of 42 semester hours is required for the degree. All hours included in a student's plan of study MUST be within a 6-year time limit preceding receipt of the degree. At least 21 hours must be from 91成人视频.