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91成人视频 Faculty Development and Innovation Center

Recent Workshops

Fall 2022

November 10, 2022, 12:00pm

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Facilitator: Kim Ervin, Instructional Designer, Faculty Development and Innovation Center
Location: Center for Student Innovation (1220 Booth) and Zoom

In this session, participants learned about the three-step instructional design model that creates the learning experience with the end goals in mind. It starts by developing measurable course learning objectives, then moves to assessments, and finally course content (instructional materials and learning activities). Backward Course Design was created by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe to advocate for an approach that has instructors consider the learning goals of the course first. These learning goals embody the knowledge and skills instructors want their students to have learned when they leave the course. A recording of the session is forthcoming.

November 2, 2022, 12:00pm

Director's Brown Bag: Rethinking Learning Assessments 

Facilitator: Michael Gillespie, Director, Faculty Development and Innovation Center
Location: Center for Student Innovation (1220 Booth)

Learning assessments come in all shapes and sizes, but are not "one size fits all!" FDIC director Dr. Michael Gillespie hosted this Director's Brownbag on learning assessments and discussed such topics as formative and summative assessment techniques, authentic learning activities and assessments, and ungrading techniques.

October 20, 2022, 3:00pm

Make Grading Less Arduous: Podcasts as Learning Activities

Facilitator: Kim Ervin, FDIC Instructional Designer

Participants: Dr. Elizabeth Tacke, Assistant Professor of English, and Dr. Camden Burd, Assistant Professor of History

Location: Center for Student Innovation (1220 Booth) and Zoom

Given the widespread use of podcasts in society, asking students to produce their own could be engaging for the students and a unique, authentic assessment of their learning. In this seminar, participants will hear from two 91成人视频 faculty members currently using podcasts as a learning activity in their courses. They will describe how the podcasting assignment is designed, how it is scaffolded into the course, how it is graded, their experiences using it as an individual and group assignment, and answer participant questions. This workshop is for faculty who have considered (or currently are) using podcasts as a learning activity or who want to enhance the learning activities in their in-person or online courses.  

October 5, 2022, 12:00pm

Grant Proposal Writing 101

Facilitator: Robert Chesnut, Director of Research and Sponsored Programs
Location: Center for Student Innovation (1220 Booth)

Anyone who is relatively new to submitting proposals to external agencies will benefit from this seminar that follows a "how-to-do-it" approach. The advice will be as specific as possible. The presentation will include: (1) a description of major sections of typical proposal; (2) a brief description of how to construct a budget; (3) Eastern’s internal requirements for approval of proposals before they are submitted; (4) Eastern’s internal procedures for handling money after a grant has been approved, and (5) regulatory issues such as protection of animals and human subjects.

September 22, 2022, 3:00pm

Level Up Your Research Process with Citation Management Software

Facilitator: Kirstin Duffin, Research Support Librarian, Booth Library
Location: E-Classroom (4450 Booth)

Grow your expertise with citation management software by attending this session on Zotero. Learn how Zotero can help you organize your sources, create formatted citations and bibliographies in seconds (really!), and collaborate with your research partners. Bring your own laptop if you’d like, or use one of the available desktop computers (tablet computers don’t yet support the full functionality of Zotero). 


Spring 2022

March 24, 2022; 1:00-2:00 PM

Communication Across the Curriculum: Setting Students Up for Successful Presentations

Facilitator: Dr. Nora Heist
Location:  1220 Booth Library Center for Student Innovation

Have you ever felt disappointed with the quality of student presentations in your courses?  In this session, Nora Heist will discuss strategies for helping students successfully plan, prepare, and present oral presentations. This workshop will provide strategies for scaffolding assignments that help students at the organizational stages of presentation development, best practices for building accountability in group presentations, and tips for helping students engage their public speaking skills.

This workshop is the third in a three-part series: Communication Across the Curriculum. Participants who complete all three workshops will receive a badge indicating their achievement.

February 24, 2022; 1:00-2:00 PM

Communication Across the Curriculum: Strategies That Foster Critical Reading

Facilitator: Dr. Tim Taylor
Location:  1220 Booth Library Center for Student Innovation

Dr. Taylor presented on a series of approaches to engage students' reading skills rooted in foundational, critical research on teaching and learning. From proven classroom assessment techniques (CATs) to Finkel's "Teaching With Your Mouth Shut," Dr. Taylor empowered participants to reimagine how to engage students with course readings.

This workshop is the second in a three-part series: Communication Across the Curriculum. Participants who complete all three workshops will receive a badge indicating their achievement.

February 17, 2022; 1:00-2:30 PM

Getting to Know Kaltura

Facilitator: Jeff Cranstoun
Location:  4450 Booth Library - E-Learning Classroom

Kaltura is a video capturing, editing, and storage service available to every faculty, staff and student at 91成人视频. This workshop empowered participants to edit, caption, add a quiz to an existing Kaltura video, and embed this video in D2L. After registration, each participant was sent a link to a video which demonstrates how to access Kaltura through 91成人视频. Participants captured and record a 5-minute video (a lecture or discussion) with talking and used this video during the face-to-face portion of the workshop while learning from the facilitator. At the end of this workshop participants were able to capture and record a video in Kaltura, edit their video, add a quiz to their video, caption their video, and embed their video in D2L. 

February 14, 2022; 12:00-1:00 PM

Taking a Deep Breath

Facilitator: Dr. Misty Rhoads
Location:  1220 Booth Library Center for Student Innovation

This interactive presentation is for educators and anyone working with students in stressful situation who are on the edge of burnout of fatigue. This presentation combined research on transformative touch modalities and taught simple self-care tools to help lower stress and reset the vagal nerve response. Participants learned breathing techniques, acupressure sites, meditation, and other skills for relaxation and stress relief. This presentation was created by therapeutic practitioners who are researchers and faculty in their respective fields.

January 27, 2022; 1:00-2:00 PM

Communication Across the Curriculum: Toward More Effective Evaluations of Student Writing

Facilitator: Dr. Terri Fredrick
Location:  1220 Booth Library Center for Student Innovation

Our evaluations of student writing have the potential to foster deep learning, but many of us find this task overwhelming and, at times, ineffective. (The term "evaluation" encompasses writing substantive feedback on students' drafts and final papers, marking or editing errors, assigning grades, and/or speaking with students about their writing.) In this workshop, Terri Fredrick discussed a philosophy and practices of evaluation that are designed to help teachers evaluate students' writing more productively and efficiently. The focus was on increasing the learning that occurs through evaluation, while honoring our own time as busy professionals with many obligations.

This workshop is the first in a three-part series: Communication Across the Curriculum. Participants who complete all three workshops will receive a badge indicating their achievement.

January 25, 2022; 1:00-2:00 PM

The Effective, Efficient Professor @ 91成人视频

Facilitator: Dr. Jay Bickford
Location:  1220 Booth Library Center for Student Innovation

This presentation is for both new faculty or those who might feel stuck in a rut. Phillip Wankat’s ideas within The Effective, Efficient Professor: Teaching, Scholarship and Service are presented through 91成人视频’s unique combination of teaching, research, and service. The presentation contained two major features to build momentum for increased productivity. First, efficiency. Dr. Bickford offered his approach to be more efficient by intertwining teaching, research, and service! Second, effectiveness. Dr. Bickford further discussed tips for getting internal funds to support your teaching, research, and service in order to be more effective! Working smarter, not necessarily harder, will help ensure you have time to do the things you have to do, want to do, and hope to do.

January 18, 2022; 1:00-2:00 PM

Writing Successful CFR Proposals

Facilitator: Dr. Robert Chesnut
Location:  1220 Booth Library Center for Student Innovation

The Council for Faculty Research (CFR) funds supports two kinds of projects: research and creative activity. Both types begin with a proposal written by a faculty member. This session presented strategies and tactics for preparing a successful proposal. CFR Proposals are due by February 9, 2022, giving participants time to incorporate information from this session into their submissions.

Presentation slides can be found here: Writing Successful CFR Proposals

Fall 2021

November 10, 2021; 1:00-2:30 PM

Getting to Know Kaltura

Facilitator: Jeff Cranstoun
Location:  4450 Booth Library E-Classroom

Kaltura is a video capturing, editing, and storage service available to every faculty, staff, and students at 91成人视频. This workshop aimed to empower participants to edit, caption, add a quiz to an existing Kaltura video, and embed this video in D2L. After registration, each participant was sent a link to a video which demonstrates how to access Kaltura through 91成人视频. Participants then captured and recorded a 5-minute video (a lecture or discussion) with talking to use during the face-to-face portion of the workshop while learning from the facilitator. At the end of this workshop participants are able to capture and record a video in Kaltura, edit their video, add a quiz to their video, caption their video, and embed their video in D2L.

November 3, 2021; 12:00-1:00 PM

Level Up Your Research Process with Citation Management Software

Facilitator: Kirstin Duffin
Location:  4450 Booth Library E-Classroom

Booth Librarian Kirstin Duffin presented this hands-on workshop geared to help participants grow their expertise with Zotero citation management software. Participants learned how Zotero can help organize sources, create formatted citations and bibliographies in seconds (really!), and collaborate with other research partners.

For more information, check out this .

October 21, 2021; 12:00-1:00 PM

Follow the Money: Supporting Your Scholarly Habit

Facilitator: Dr. Robert Chesnut
Location:  Center for Student Innovation, 1220 Booth Library

This seminar focused not on the procedures of writing a grant proposal, rather Dr. Chesnut offered insights rather than advice. The presentation was structured around seven "tips" reflecting the habits of 91成人视频 people who have attracted external funding for their interests.

Presentation slides can be found here: Follow the Money

October 7, 2021; 12:00-1:00 PM

Grant Proposal Writing 101

Facilitator: Dr. Robert Chesnut
Location:  Center for Student Innovation, 1220 Booth Library

Anyone who is relatively new to submitting proposals to external agencies will benefit from this seminar that follows a "how-to-do-it" approach. The presentation included: (1) a description of major sections of typical proposal; (2) a brief description of how to construct a budget; (3) Eastern’s internal requirements for approval of proposals before they are submitted; (4) Eastern’s internal procedures for handling money after a grant has been approved, and (5) regulatory issues such as protection of animals and human subjects.

Presentation slides can be found here: Grant Proposal Writing 101

September 22, 2021; 2:00-2:30 PM

Dive Deeper into the Literature: Scopus for Science, Health Science, and Social Science Research

Facilitator: Kirstin Duffin
Location:  Center for Student Innovation, 1220 Booth Library

This workshop presented essential features and the functionality of Scopus, one of the newest article database additions to Booth Library. Scopus allows you to sort your search results by times cited or analyze your results to understand publishing trends and explore potential sources of funding. This session covered basic and advanced searching in Scopus.

To access Scopus and related resources, see the published through the Booth Library. Contact Kirstin Duffin for more information and support.


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Contact Information

Dr. Michael Gillespie, Director, FDIC


Kim Ervin
Instructional Designer


Faculty Development and Innovation Center

1105 Booth

David Smith
Instructional Support & Training Specialist


Keerthana Saraswathula
Instructional Support and Training Specialist


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