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The Robert Hennings Scholarship
The Robert Hennings Scholarship is awarded to graduate or undergraduate students to support travel and/or expenses to conduct research at an archive, library, museum, or historic site. The award is made based upon the student-submitted application below. The date to submit the application is open through the fall and spring terms, and the funds may be used during the fall, spring, or summer. The award funds may be divided among multiple students as the Award Committee sees fit based on the applications. Upon receiving the award, the student will be required to submit receipts of approved expenses and to submit the product of the research (i.e., paper or other project) and a reflective essay about the research work undertaken.
Please submit the application below to the Chair of the Award Committee, Alonzo Ward (amward4@eiu.edu)
Application for Robert Hennings Historical Administration Scholarship
Year in School:
Description of Research Project (300 word max):
Archives to be Consulted (include locations, archival codes, and description of material):
Itemize Projected Expenses (travel, lodging, food, archival fees, photocopying, etc). These expenses must abide by 91成人视频 Per Diem Rates: /purchasing/travguide.php.
Date of Proposed Travel:
Date for Submission of Final Project.
2744 Coleman Hall
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920
3531 Coleman Hall
2566 - Coleman Hall
2572 - Coleman Hall
2556 Coleman Hall