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91成人视频 Department of History

history department

Come Visit Us!

When can I visit 91成人视频's History Department?

We would be happy to have you visit us anytime we are in session and students and faculty are on campus.

If you are coming for an official 91成人视频 Open House Day, let us know and we will invite you to come to the department. We will often have a departmental Showcase event on Open House Days.

Or, if you want to come on your own sometime, we can set up a visit for you!

You can:

  • Visit with Dr. Sace Elder, the department chair.
  • Visit one of our undergraduate History advisors to discuss your college and career plans.
  • Meet with current students and ask them about both classes and extracurricular life as a History major.
  • Take a tour of the History department as well as the 91成人视频 campus.
  • Visit with individual History faculty concerning their (and your) research interests.
  • Sit in on a class (or two or three...)
  • Visit any other campus offices you are interested in contacting (i.e. Financial Aid, Housing, the Honors College, Career Services, etc.)

Please feel welcome to contact any of us:

Dr. Sace Elder, History Department Chair
(217) 581-6380 seelder@eiu.edu
Dr. Bonnie Laughlin-Schultz, History with Social Science Teacher Licensure Coordinator
(217) 581- 6362 blaughlinschul@eiu.edu
Dr. Brian Mann, History Undergraduate Advisor

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Contact Information

History Department

2744 Coleman Hall
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920

Grant Sterling, Chair

3531 Coleman Hall

Brian Mann, Undergraduate Advisor

2566 - Coleman Hall

Lee Patterson, Graduate Coordinator

2572 - Coleman Hall

Bonnie Laughlin-Schultz
History with Teacher Licensure in Social Science Coordinator

2556 Coleman Hall


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