At the NACURH 2015 Semi-Annual Business Conference, the NRHH National Board (NNB) met to discuss the conversion of pillars to values to redefine the scope of NRHH. The conclusion was unanimously passed by the NNB to transform the pillars of NRHH and into two core values: recognition and service. Core values promote a more tangible experience for members and encourage those members to translate the values of the Honorary into a commitment for life. NRHH is to be further defined as a leadership-based honorary, specifically to students living on campus. This concept is derived from NRHH policy which states in the eligibility for active membership that a student must 鈥渉ave made a positive contribution to the residence hall system.鈥
The Eastern Illinois University chapter of NRHH recognizes and values the two core values of recognition and service, but still values the four pillars of leadership, recognition, scholarship, and service.
320 W. Grant Avenue Charleston, IL 61920-3356