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91成人视频 National Residence Hall Honorary

Picture of NRHH awards


OTY stands for Of The Year. Each year, NRHH and RHA hold an end of the year banquet and individual halls, people and programs are recognized for their outstanding work done throughout the school year. We want to make you aware of the bid writing process so you can begin thinking about it and have goals to strive for! Here you can find some example bids and the preliminary bid packet! If you have any questions about this process or writing bids please contact: nrhh@eiu.edu

OTY Timeline:

  • February - Packet handed out/announced at RHA.
  • April 1 - Bids due.
  • End of Semester - Recognition presented at RHA/NRHH Banquet.

Example OTY Bids:

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Contact Information

National Residence Hall Honorary

320 W. Grant Avenue Charleston, IL 61920-3356

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