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Eastern Illinois University Police

Daily Crime Log

The Police Department at Eastern Illinois University is required to create, maintain, and make available an easily understood daily crime log. The daily crime log must include the nature, date, time, general location of each crime that occurs within the institution’s Clery Geography, and the disposition of the complaint, if known. The University Police Department must make the entries available within two business days of the report of the information, unless the disclosure is prohibited by law or would jeopardize the confidentiality of the victim. The University Police Department may withhold this information if there is clear and convincing evidence that releasing it would jeopardize an ongoing criminal investigation or safety of the individual, cause the suspect to flee or evade detection, or result in the destruction of evidence. However, UPD must disclose any withheld information once the adverse effect is no longer likely to occur. The University Police Department is required to make the crime log for the most recent 60-day period open to the public inspection during normal business hours and any portion of the log older than sixty days available within two business days of a request for public inspection.

For additional Daily Crime Log Information contact the University Police Department by email police@eiu.edu or phone 217-581-3213.

Date Offense(s) Clery Geography Description
2025-03-09 Unknown Problem Patrol Zone On 3/9/20225 at 11:55 P.M. at 1040 7th street underage kids were at home and heard a knock on the door and they believed it was their father, that is not allowed at this address.
2025-03-08 Underage drinking 235 ILCS 5/6-16 Campus On 3/8/2025 at 11:44 a.m. on 4th and Lincoln, an officer witnessed a female stumble and fall twice. Female stated she did not need medical assistance. Female was able to answer questions leading officer to believe she was intoxicated but not to a level of being dangerous. Female admitted to drinking and being underage. Issued student code of conduct violation
2025-03-08 Aggravated Battery to a Peace Officer 720 ILCS 5/12-3.050(D)4 Patrol Zone On 3/8/2025 at 12:39 p.m. at 1530 1st St an officer witnessed a highly intoxicated individual who had to be held up by friends to walk. During their attempts to identify and interview subject, he struck the officer in the right shoulder. Suspect was placed into handcuffs and transported to CPD where he was evaluated for his intoxication. Individual was transported to Sarah Bush Emergency room.
2025-03-08 None Patrol Zone On 3/8/2025 at 3:40p.m. at 1500 B 1st street Individuals looked like they were about to fight but separated and ran once they saw officers.
2025-03-09 Misuse of 911 Campus On 03/09/2025 at 4:02 a.m. an officer was dispatched W lot, to a call for a possible domestic that was occurring in a vehicle between a father and son. After an investigation it was concluded that the injuries on the son were not from the father but from an incident earlier. The son was arrested for misuse of 911
2025-03-08 Public Intoxication Patrol Zone On 3/8/2025 at 12:48 p.m. at 10 Lincoln Ave, Edward Jones, Individual was very intoxicated, underage and in the parking lot of a business. Given City citation and student conduct code citation.
2025-03-08 Criminal Damage Patrol Zone On 3/8/2025 at 4:30 p.m. at 1523 Division, drunk individuals were jumping on someone's trampoline and broke some poles.
2025-03-08 Fighting Patrol Zone On 3/8/2025 at 5:32 p.m. at (Penalty Box) 1419 4th street, Fights call. when officers got on scene all party's had left the scene.
2025-03-08 Underage consumption Patrol Zone On 3/8/2025 at 12:57p.m. at 1508 4th street (Jerry's pizza) Individual was walking thru Jerry's pizza parking lot and was visible intoxicated. later found out he was underage.
2025-03-08 Disorderly Conduct Patrol Zone On 3/8/2025 at 5:50p.m. at 200 Lincoln Ave (Subway) 17-year-old female was intoxicated and didn't want to go with her mother. She was given a city citation.
2025-03-08 Aggravated Battery to a Peace Officer 720 ILCS 5/12-3.050(D)4 Outside Clery Geography The call came in that a female was holding another female down because the one getting held down was wanting to fight everyone. The female that was wanting to fight ended up pushing CPD Officer and then got arrested and was placed in CJ.
2025-03-11 Criminal Damage to Government Supported Property 720 ILCS 5/21-4 Campus On 3/11/2025 at 10:08 a.m. an officer Investigated criminal damage to the Panther Trail gate and two poles supporting the gate on the south side of 250 Grant (Lantz Complex). The gate was deformed and two poles were pushed over. Tire tracks at the scene showed a vehicle ran over the gate as well as black marks on the poles and paint scrapes indicate a vehicle side swiped the poles pushing them over.
2025-03-11 Patrol Zone On 3/11/2025 at 8:17 a.m. at 2016 Tenth Street an officer responded to a report of an activated residential burglary alarm. Upon arrival I spoke with the resident and only adult at the residence at the time. The alarm was malfunctioning and no burglary was in progress.
2025-03-11 Resisting Arrest 720 ILCS 5 Patrol Zone On 3/11/2025 at 11:34 p.m. at (PANTHER LIQUORS) 1002 LINCOLN AVE, CPD made a traffic stop for unknown reason. PERKINS resisted arrest and that's when UPD was requested.
2025-03-12 Criminal Damage Outside Clery Geography On 3/12/25 at 11:50 p.m. at 825 W Polk Ave UPD assisted CPD with locating the suspect of a criminal damage. The suspect was seen on a bike near 9th and grant, a short foot pursuit followed after losing the suspect we attempted to locate. Units were unable to locate.
2025-03-13 Domestic Outside Clery Geography On 3/13/25 at 11:26 a.m. a male and female were reported arguing on foot leaving the area of Starbucks heading West. They were located at Dollar Tree and the domestic was unfounded.
2025-03-14 None Campus On 3/14/2025 at 1:09 a.m. an officer was dispatched to a well being check, at the mellin steps.

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