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Eastern Illinois University Police




Visitors/Guests may purchase a day parking permit  for $1.50 per day. 

Spring semester 2025 permits are available online. Yearly permits are only offered in the fall and the Spring 2025 permits will be available January 1st, 2025.

  • Please note handicap, restricted zones, fire lanes, metered spaces, and loading zones are monitored at all times. Parking permits are required Monday- Friday excluding move-in week, weekends, graduation, holidays, or when classes are not in session.
  • The Blair Hall Parking Lot will be closed October 13th through early 2025 for a demolition project at the old steam plant.
  • The Stadium lot will be closed on February 23rd, 2025 for the annual Polar Plunge. This lot will close at 8pm on February 22nd, 2025 and towing will begin.
  • Please plan to park in an alternative designated lot during this brief interruption. Please see campus map link below for reference if needed. 


parking map qr code

View the Campus Parking Lot Map to clarify the location and availability of lots dependent on your type of permit.

Permits are not assigned to spaces, or by desired buildings but are lot designated. View the Campus Parking Lot Map for additional details.




Recent Parking Changes

  • All students (Upperclass & Underclass) with a valid parking permit may park in any lots that are designated Student Parking (blue) and Staff/Student Parking (green).
  • Upperclass students designated lots only (with a valid permit) are E Lot, Lincoln-Stevenson-Powell-Norton (LSPN) North Lot, and North half of W Lot.
  • University Apartments has been changed from a special permit to Staff/Student (green) lot.

Please note that student permits are not valid in any red lots or the visitor's lot across from Blair Hall. Please watch carefully for the signs. Lot changes could be made during the school year.


Underclass Parking Areas

Underclass permits can be used in designated areas displaying the signs:  

  • Staff/Student Parking (green signs)
  • Student Parking (blue signs)

underclass park   underclass park2


Upperclass and Graduate Student Parking Areas

Upperclass permits can be used in designated areas displaying the signs:

  • Staff/Student Parking (green signs)
  • Student Parking (blue signs)
  • Upperclass Permits Designated Area Only (white signs) which are now in North half of W Lot, excluding Staff Only area, LSPN North Lot, E Lot, excluding Staff Only area

upperclass park    parking student   student park

Handicap Parking Spaces

A valid State Handicap Permit or license plate must be displayed to utilize a handicap space or zones on University property. In addition to regular handicap spaces, vehicles displaying a valid handicap permit or license plate will be allowed to park in any student, staff, or metered lots. Meter parking spaces do not require payment with a valid handicap permit/plate. Permanent and temporary handicap permits may be applied for at the Secretary of State's Driver's License Facility. 

Handicap sign

Greek Court Parking

On Sundays and Mondays 5-11:30 p.m., the Greek Court and 9th Street lots will not be ticketed except for handicap spaces, fire lanes, drives, restricted areas, and housemother parking spaces. Parking in the grass is also prohibited.

During the above stated times you may also park on the south side of Greek Court Drive from the east side of the International House lot to the west side of the first sidewalk west of the small Greek Court Circle Drive. Do not block drives or sidewalks.

During the above stated times you may park along the inside curb (the curb closest to buildings 5, 6, & 8) of the large Greek Court Circle Drive as long as you do not block drives, sidewalks or fire lanes.

The small Greek Court Circle is the circle drive where 12th Street ends. Buildings 3, 4, and 6 surround it. Parking on the small Greek Court Drive is prohibited.


If you have any questions regarding on campus parking, contact the UPD Parking Division at 217-581-5416

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Contact Information

Eastern Illinois University Police Parking

Parking Services – 217-581-5416

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