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Japanese Culture Club

Type: Multicultural
Membership Types: 91³ÉÈËÊÓƵ Students/Faculty/Other
Web: /slo/rso/rso_info.php?id=423


The Japanese Culture Club is a multicultural organization formed to promote a greater understanding and passion for Japanese culture and language through weekly meetings, cultural events, conversation tables, field trips, games, and more. 

Meeting Times

Wednesdays 5:00-6:00 p.m.
Coleman Rm.1110

Advisors and Board Members

Name Affiliation Email Phone
Mari Kita Advisor mkita@eiu.edu
Jinhee J Lee Advisor jlee@eiu.edu 2175813310
Daniel K Donovan President dkdonovan@eiu.edu
Connor W Mellott Vice President cwmellott@eiu.edu
Dayden W Gardner Secretary dwgardner@eiu.edu
Cirel N Gourley Treasurer cngourley@eiu.edu