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Eastern Illinois University

Sociology, Anthropology, & Criminology


Dr. Angela C. Glaros
Education & Training Conference Presentations Community Publications Funding & Grants Frequently Taught Courses Research & Creative Interests Professional Affiliations Office Hours
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Dr. Angela C. Glaros

Associate Professor of Anthropology and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Office: 3137 - Blair Hall
Phone: 217-418-4742
Email: acglaros@eiu.edu

Education & Training

Ph.D. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Anthropology (2011)
Dissertation: Singing Knowledge: Aesthetics, Authority, and Gender in Skyrian Music.
Graduate minor, Gender and Women's Studies

M.S. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Anthropology (1998)

B.A., University of Minnesota, International Relations/French (1993)


Conference Presentations

2019       Glaros, Angela.  “Setting the Pitch: The Power of Women’s Voices in Greek Orthodox Liturgical Music in the Midwestern United States.”  Society for Ethnomusicology Annual Meeting, Bloomington, IN.

2017      Glaros, Angela.  “’You Have Your Research, Mama, and I Have Mine:’ What My Son Taught Me About Skyros.” Presented in organized session, "Family Matters: Re-Examining Children in Anthropological Fieldwork and Careers."  American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.

2017      “The Erotics of Nostalgia: Performing Longing and Belonging in Skyrian Music.”  John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation Lecture, University of Illinois Modern Greek Studies Program.  Urbana, IL.

2016      “There Was No Crying”: Women’s Mourning as Essential Ritual Disruption in Greek Orthodox Funerals.”  Presented in organized session, “Ritual and the Evidentiary Wisdom of Accident.” American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting.  Minneapolis, MN.

2015      “The Sound of Orthodoxy: Gender, Power and Liturgical Singing in Greek-American Churches in Downstate Illinois.”  Annual Conference of the Midwest  Chapter of the Society for Ethnomusicology.  Urbana, Illinois.
2015      “All Our Songs Are Love Songs: The Erotic in the Skyrian Past.”  Central States Anthropological Society Annual Meeting.  St. Paul, MN.

2015      “Awed by the Beauty: Gender and the Senses in Byzantine Chant.” Annual Meeting of the Society for Ethnomusicology.  Austin, TX.
2014      “Byzantine Chant and/as Material Culture.”  Presented in organized session, “Producing Anthropology and Religion at the Crossroads of Material and Belief.”  American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting.  Washington, DC.
2013      “Music, Power, and the Aesthetics of Collaboration.”  American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting.  Chicago, IL.
2012      “’My Saint George’: Crossing Landscape and Soundscape in Skyros, Greece.”  Poster presentation. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting.  San Francisco, CA.
2011      “Laundry, Liminality and Legibility: Meeting Informants on the Threshold.”  American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting.  Montreal, Quebec.
2010      “Turning the Song: Antiphony and Social Aesthetics in Skyros, Greece.”  American Anthropological Association AnnualMeeting.  New Orleans, LA.
2010      “’My St. George the Skyrian:’ Singing a Saint into a Greek Island Soundscape.”  International Interdisciplinary Conference, “Soundscapes of the Spirit: Cosmology and Sound Art from the Black to the Aral Seas.”  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.



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Our Sociology-Anthropology Club is on Instagram @eiusocanthro

Eligible anthropology students can join Lambda Alpha, the National Anthropology Honors Society.  Contact Dr. Glaros for more information.


Glaros, Angela.  2022.  "Voicing the Byzantine Aesthetic."  Anthropology News 63(1): 22-26.   

Glaros, Angela.  2022.  "6.8 Sensing the Sacred in Ritual: Aesthetics and Cosmology; 6.9 Visual Perception in Hindu Worship; 6.10 Sensory Deprivation and Sacred Pain.  In Beliefs: An Open Invitation to the Anthropology of Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion.  Open source textbook.   

Glaros, Angela.  2021.  "Friends, Family, Informants: Fieldwork as Relationship."  In Field Stories: Experiences, Affect, and the Lessons of Anthropology in the Twenty-First Century, ed.  William H. Leggett and Ida Fadzillah Leggett, pp. 67-78.  Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Glaros, Angela, with Mariah Slaughter.  2020.  "Teaching the Anthropology of Food in East Central Illinois."  Anthropology News website, April 2, 2020.  DOI: 10.1111/AN.1374.

Glaros, Angela.  2018.   Web log. Musicology Now. American Musicological Society.

Glaros, Angela.  2018.   Web log. Anthrodendum.

Glaros, Angela.  2013.  Turning the Song: Music, Power, and the Aesthetics of Collaboration.  Collaborative Anthropologies Vol. 6, pp. 130-148.

Funding & Grants

2019              John S. and Margaret Redden Fund for the Improvement of Undergraduate Instruction

2015              Eastern Illinois University College of Sciences Early Research Support Grant

2015              John S. and Margaret Redden Fund for the Improvement of Undergraduate Instruction

2014               Eastern Illinois University College of Sciences Early Research Support Grant

2013               Eastern Illinois University Council on Faculty Research Summer Grant

2009               Paleologos Graduate Scholarship, Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North America

2007                Fulbright Fellowship, Institute of International Education

2007               Tullia Magrini Scholarship Award for Research on the Anthropology of Music & Mediterranean Cultures, University of Bologna, Italy and

                        International Council on Traditional Music

2007               Nelle M. Signor Fellowship in International Relations, University of Illinois

2001               Ethnographic Research Training Grant, National Science Foundation


Frequently Taught Courses

Introduction to Anthropology (ANT 2200G)
Introduction to Anthropology, Honors (ANT 2290G)
Anthropology of Religion (ANT 3606) 
Anthropology of Europe (ANT 3608) 
Language and Culture (ANT 3610) 
The Body in Anthropological Perspective (ANT 3612) 
Ethnography: Method and Practice in Anthropology (ANT 3614) 
Consuming Culture: The Anthropology of Food (ANT 3616) 

Introduction to Gender and Sexual Diversity (WGS 2310)



Research & Creative Interests

Greece, Greek-American communities; gender; vocal music; religion; food and culture


Professional Affiliations

American Anthropological Association

Society for Ethnomusicology

National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians


Office Hours

Spring 2024 Office Hours:

Tuesday & Thursday 11-11:30; Wednesday 12-3; and by appointment.