Dr. Don H. Holly Jr.
Department Chair & Professor of Anthropology Office: 3174 - Blair HallEmail: dhholly@eiu.edu
Email: dhhollyjr@gmail.com
Don Holly earned his B.A. in Anthropology from Penn State University and his M.A. and Ph.D. in Anthropology from Brown University. He joined the faculty of the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminology at 91成人视频 in 2005. Prior to that he taught at the University of Rhode Island. He is broadly interested in hunters and gatherers and is currently working on a book that aims to dispel popular misconceptions of the people that practice this food economy. He has conducted archaeological research since 1995 on the island of Newfoundland, Canada, and has a special interest in the Beothuk peoples who lived there, and the history and archaeology of wider Indigenous Eastern Subarctic of North America. He sits on the editorial board of the journal Northeast Anthropology, and was the past associate editor (2013-2015) for book reviews and notes for the journal American Antiquity. He is currently chair of the Department.
Professor Holly teaches Introduction to Anthropology, Hunters and Gatherers, World Archaeology, Native North America, Human Evolution, and the Anthropology of Violence and Warfare.
Spring 2025 student hours: MWF: 1-2PM; M: 3-4PM (3174 Blair Hall)
Letter of recommendation request form (talk to me first): recommendation form
History in the Making: the Archaeology of the Eastern Subarctic (AltaMira, 2013)
Hunter-Gatherer Archaeology as Historical Process (with Kenneth Sassaman; University of Arizona Press, 2011)
Articles, Reviews, Chapters:
Prince, Adam., Alicia Neal, C.C. Wharram, Donald H. Holly Jr., Jay D. Gatrell, James Hildebrandt, Jerry Esker, Kurt Leifheit, Michael Cornebise, and Zach Newell. 2023. “Drink Something, Do Something”: Philanthropy, Place, and a Rural Beer Geography. In The Geography of Beer: Policies, Propaganda and Place, edited by Mark Patterson and Nancy H Pullen, pp. 363-372. Springer Press, New York.
Holly, Donald H. Jr., John C. Erwin, Christopher B. Wolff, Stephen H. Hull, Amanda Samuels, and Jamie Brake. 2023. Scaling Up and Hunkering Down: The Evolution of Beothuk Houses and Households. North American Archaeologist 44(4):146-175.
Wolff, Christopher B., Donald H. Holly Jr., Kayla Farley, Zach Huelskamp, and Augustus Lovett. 2023. The Maritime Archaic Occupation of Inspector Island: New Survey and Evidence. Provincial Archaeology Office 2022 Archaeology Review 21:322-325.
Holly, Donald H. Holly Jr., Christopher B. Wolff, and Stephen H. Hull. 2022. The Struggle was Real: On the End of the Archaic on the Island of Newfoundland and Labrador. In The Far Northeast: 3000BP to Contact, edited by Kenneth R. Holyoke and M. Gabriel Hrynick, pp. 23-48. Mercury Series, Archaeology Paper 181. Canadian Museum of History and the University of Ottawa Press, Ottawa.
Wolff, Christopher B., Donald H. Holly Jr., Jessica Watson, Amanda Samuels, Dana Yakabowskas, and Madeline Illenberg. 2021. End of the Beginning: Preliminary Analysis of the Faunal Assemblage from the Sabbath Point Site (DeBd-8). Provincial Archaeology Office 2020 Archaeology Review 19:186-193.
Holly, Donald H. Jr. 2020. Review of Foraging in the Past: Archaeological Studies of Hunter-Gatherer Diversity, edited by Ashley K. Lemke. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 44(2):253-256.
Holly, Donald H. Jr., Christopher Wolff, James Williamson, Amanda Samuels, Dana Yakabowskas and Madeline Illenberg. 2020. Continuing Excavations at Sabbath Point (DeBd-08), Red Indian Lake, Newfoundland. Provincial Archaeology Office 2019 Archaeology Review 18:121-132.
Holly, Donald H. Jr. 2019. Toward a Social Archaeology of Food for Hunters & Gatherers in Marginal Environments: A Case Study from the Eastern Subarctic of North America. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 26(4):1439-1469.
Wolff, Christopher B., Donald H. Holly Jr., John C. Erwin, Tatiana Nomokonova, & Lindsay Swinarton. 2019. The Stock Cove Site: A Large Dorset Seal-Hunting Encampment on the Coast of Southeastern Newfoundland. Arctic Anthropology 56(1): 77-95.
Wolff, Christopher B. and Donald H. Holly Jr. 2019. Sea Ice, Seals, and Settlement: On Climate and Culture in Newfoundland and Labrador. In The Archaeology of Human-Environmental Dynamics on the North American Atlantic Coast, edited by Leslie Reeder-Myers, John A. Turck, and Torben C. Rick, pp. 16-43. University of Florida Press, Gainesville.
Holly, Donald H. Jr. 2019. Review of The Oxford Handbook of the Prehistoric Arctic, edited by T. Max Friesen and Owen K. Mason. American Antiquity 84(2): 366-378.
Holly, Donald H. Jr., Paul Prince, and John C. Erwin. 2018. Bad Year Economics at Birchy Lake. Journal of Anthropological Research 74(2): 201-231.
Wolff, Christopher B. and Donald H. Holly Jr. 2018. The Peopling of Stock Cove: Digging Deeper into the Archaic, Groswater, and Dorset Occupational History of the Site. Provincial Archaeology Office 2017 Archaeology Review 16: 267-271.
Holly, Donald H. Jr. 2017. Fieldwork, Friends, Family. The SAA Archaeological Record 17(5): 23-24.
Wolff, Christopher B. and Donald H. Holly Jr. 2017. Early Colonization of Eastern Newfoundland: A View from Stock Cove, Trinity Bay. Provincial Archaeology Office 2016 Archaeology Review 15: 236-242.
Foster, Gary., William E. Lovekamp, and Donald H. Holly Jr. 2016. The Old Kelley Cemetery: A Cold Case of Grave Concern. Association of Gravestone Studies Quarterly 40(2): 3-9.
Holly, Donald H. Jr. 2016. In Search of My Original Affluent Self and Other Tropes in Travel Writing on Hunters and Gatherers. Journeys: The International Journal of Travel and Travel Writing 17(1): 96-112.
Holly, Donald H. Jr. 2015. Talking to the Guy on the Airplane. American Antiquity 80(3): 615-617.
Holly, Donald H. Jr., Christopher B. Wolff, and John C. Erwin. 2015. Before and After the Fire: Archaeological Investigations at a Little Passage/Beothuk Encampment in Trinity Bay, Newfoundland. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 39(1): 1-30.
Wolff, Christopher B., Donald H. Holly Jr., Frédéric Dussault, Andréanne Couture, and Taylor Testa. 2014. Caught Somewhere in Time: Continuing Investigation of the Stock Cove Site (CkAl-3). Provincial Archaeology Office 2013 Archaeology Review 12: 184-190.
Kristensen, Todd J. and Donald H. Holly Jr. 2013. Birds, Burials and Sacred Geography of the Indigenous Beothuk of Newfoundland, Canada. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 23(1): 41-53.
Holly, Donald H. Jr. and Moira McCaffrey. 2012. Rethinking Eastern Subarctic Prehistory. In The Oxford Handbook of North American Archaeology, edited by Timothy Pauketat, pp. 124-134. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Holly, Donald H. Jr., Christopher Wolff, and John Erwin. 2011. Excavations at Stock Cove West (CkAl-10). Provincial Archaeology Office 2010 Archaeology Review 9: 75-80.
Holly, Donald H. Jr. 2011 When Foragers Fail: In the Eastern Subarctic, for example. In Hunter-Gatherer Archaeology as Historical Process, edited by Kenneth Sassaman and Donald H. Holly Jr., pp. 79-92. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.
Sassaman, Kenneth and Donald H. Holly Jr. 2011. Transformative Hunter-Gatherer Archaeology in North America. In Hunter-Gatherer Archaeology as Historical Process, edited by Kenneth Sassaman and Donald H. Holly Jr., pp. 1-13. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.
Wolff, Christopher B., John Erwin, Tatiana Nomokonova and Donald H. Holly Jr. 2010. Preliminary Analyses of Dorset PaleoEskimo Subsistence at the Stock Cove Site (CkAl-3) Trinity Bay, Newfoundland. North Atlantic Archaeology 2: 125-134.
Holly, Donald H. Jr., Christopher Wolff and John Erwin. 2010. The Ties that Bind and Divide: Encounters with the Beothuk in Southeastern Newfoundland. Journal of the North Atlantic 3: 31-44.
Holly, Donald H. Jr. 2010 Trick and Treat: Archaeological Lessons from a Time Capsule. The SAA Archaeological Record 10(3): 43-44.
Wolff, Christopher B., John Erwin, and Donald H. Holly Jr. 2010. Settlement and Subsistence in Southeastern Newfoundland: Stock Cove Revisited. Provincial Archaeology Office 2009 Archaeology Review 8: 172-175.
Holly, Donald H. Jr. and John C. Erwin. 2009. Terra Incognita, Still: Archaeological Investigations in the Interior of the Island of Newfoundland. Archaeology of Eastern North America 37: 65-84.
Holly, Donald H. Jr. 2009. Rethinking Hunter-Gatherers. Amerind Quarterly 6(2): 2-3.
Holly, Donald H. Jr. 2008. Review of The Cow Head Complex and the Recent Indian Period in Newfoundland, Labrador and the Quebec Lower North Shore, by Latonia Hartery. North Atlantic Archaeology 1: 171-174.
Holly, Donald H. Jr. 2008. Social Aspects and Implications of “Running to the Hills”: The Case of the Beothuk Indians of Newfoundland. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 3(2): 170-190.
Holly, Donald H. Jr., and John C. Erwin. 2008. Excavations at DiBd-1: a Beaches Complex site at Birchy Lake, Interior Newfoundland. Provincial Archaeology Office 2007 Archaeology Review 6: 40-43.
Holly, Donald H. Jr., and Casey E. Cordy. 2007 What’s in a Coin? Reading the Material Culture of Legend Tripping and Other Activities. Journal of American Folklore 120(477): 335-354.
Holly, Donald H. Jr. 2006. Review of The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Hunters and Gatherers, edited by Richard B. Lee and Richard Daly. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 30(2): 316-318.
Erwin, John C. and Donald Holly Jr. 2006. Birchy Lake Survey. Archaeology in Newfoundland and Labrador 2005 4(1): 11-12.
Holly, Donald H. Jr. 2006. Recalling an Undergraduate Experience in Anthropology: Lessons Learned and Remembered. Anthropology News 47(9): 13
Holly, Donald H. Jr. 2005 The Place of Others in Hunter-Gatherer Intensification. American Anthropologist 107(2): 207-220.
Erwin, John C., Donald H Holly Jr., Stephen H. Hull and Timothy L. Rast. 2005. Form and Function of Projectile Points and the Trajectory of Newfoundland Prehistory. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 29(1): 46-67.
Holly, Donald H. Jr. 2005. Review of Hunters and Gatherers in Theory and Archaeology, edited by George Crothers. Southeastern Archaeology 24(1): 93-93.
Holly, Donald H. Jr. 2004 (untitled article in) Atlantic Fieldwork News. Canadian Archaeological Association Newsletter 24(1-2): 7.
Holly, Donald H. Jr. 2004. Review of Forager-Traders in South and Southeast Asia: Long Term Histories, edited by Kathleen D. Morrison and Laura L. Junker. Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology. http://www.csaa.ca/BookReview/ReviewsList.htm
Holly, Donald H. Jr. 2004. Excavation at the Newman Site: Joe Batt’s Arm, Fogo Island. Archaeology in Newfoundland and Labrador 2003 2(1): 4.
Holly, Donald H. Jr. 2003 Places of the Living, Places of the Dead: Situating a Sacred Geography. Northeast Anthropology 66(fall): 57-76.
Holly, Donald H. Jr., and Adrian Burke. 2003. Seascapes and Landscapes of the Far Northeast. Northeast Anthropology 66(fall): 3-4.
Holly, Donald H. Jr. 2003 A Historiography of an Ahistoricity: On the Beothuk Indians. History and Anthropology 14(2): 127-140.
Holly, Donald H. Jr. 2003 Review of A History of the Native People of Canada, volume 2 (1,000 B.C –A.D. 500), J.V. Wright., and Encyclopedia of Prehistory, volume 6, North America, edited by Peter N. Peregrine and Melvin Ember. American Antiquity 68(2): 413-414.
Holly, Donald H. Jr. 2002 Subarctic “Prehistory” in the Anthropological Imagination. Arctic Anthropology 39(1-2): 10-26.
Holly, Donald H. Jr. 2001. The “Possibilities” of New Landscapes. In On Being First: Cultural Innovation and Environmental Consequences of First Peopling, edited by Jason Gillespie, Susan Tupakka and Christy de Mille, pp. 353-365. Archaeological Association of the University of Calgary, Calgary.
Holly, Donald H. Jr. 2001 Review of Kayasochi Kikawenow Our Mother From Long Ago: An Early Cree Woman and Her Personal Belongings from Nagami Bay, Southern Indian Lake, by Kevin Brownlee and E. Leigh Syms. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 25(1-2): 137-139.
Holly, Donald H. Jr. 2000 The Beothuk on the Eve of Their Extinction. Arctic Anthropology 37(1): 79-95.
Holly, Donald H. Jr. 1998 Environment, History, and Agency in Storage Adaptation: On the Beothuk in the 18th Century. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 22(1): 19-30.
Holly, Donald H. Jr. 1998. An Archaeological Survey of Fogo Island, Newfoundland. Northeast Anthropology 56(fall): 69-74.
Holly, Donald H. Jr. 1998. Tales of Extinction. Anthropology Newsletter 39(8): 11.
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