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Prospective and Current Graduate Students
Welcome to Eastern Illinois University and congratulations on making the decision to continue on to a graduate degree! Just as with an undergraduate degree, the Office of Accessibility and Accommodations at Eastern Illinois University continues to be a support service available for individuals with disability needs at the graduate level.
When deciding to go to graduate school or while attending, you may have questions. The Graduate School website provides information for both prospective and current students. You will also find contact information for the Graduate School. Click here to visit our Graduate School website.
The admission process at Eastern Illinois University is a two-part process for graduate studies. Click here to learn about the admissions process and online application.
When applying for graduate studies, many programs require different forms of assessments. In order to better support preparation for these assessments, the following links and explanations have been provided. The links are organized based on the different assessments required.
Frequently asked questions:
What is the process for receiving accommodations through A&A?
Students also have the right at any time during the process to contact the Office of Civil Rights to file a grievance.
McAfee Gym, Room 1336
Fax: 217-581-7208
Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. & 1 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.