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91成人视频 Department of Geology and Geography

Recent Geography Research (2015 - present)

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* collaborations with students are highlighted in blue


Dr. Michael Cornebise

Presentation2019, “From Broomcorn Capital of the World to Old Order Amish and the Hippie Memorial: Murals and the ‘Art’ of Placemaking in Arcola, IL”Landscape, Place and Material Culture Annual Conference, Detroit, MI.

Publication:  2018, "The Pennsylvania Town in the 21st Century: A Socio-Economic Analysis of the Built Environment." Material Culture 50 (1): 47-73. (with Ola Johansson)

Publication: 2016, "The Pennsylvania Town 40 Years Later: Preservation and Planning in a Changing Townscape." Middle States Geographer 49: 43-54. (with Ola Johansson)

Publication: 2016, "Latino Population Dynamics in Central Illinois." Illiniois Geographer 58(1):25-39.

Presentation: 2014, "Geographic Impacts of Amish-Themed Tourism in Central Illinois." Association of American Geographers Annual Conference.

Dr. Barry Kronenfeld

Presentation: 2020, An evaluation of COVID-19 dashboards from cartographic and epidemiological perspectives. AutoCarto 2020 Proceedings.    (with K Yoo, student) 

Publication: 2020, “Simplification of polylines by segment collapse: minimizing areal displacement while preserving area.” International Journal of Cartography, 6(1):22-46.  (with LV Stanislawksi, BP Buttenfield and T Brockmeyer) 

Publication: 2019, “Between the lines: Measuring areal displacement in line simplification.” Advances in Cartography and GIScience, International Cartography Association, 1(9), 8pp.  (with J. Deng, student) 

Presentation: 2019, “Alternate definitions of linear and areal displacement between polylines: The plot thickens.” ICC 2019 Workshop on Abstraction, Scale and Perception, Tokyo, Japan (3pp).  (with J Deng, student) 

Presentation: 2019, “Scale-specific metrics for adaptive generalization and geomorphic classification of stream features.” ICC 2019 Workshop on Abstraction, Scale and Perception, Tokyo, Japan (9pp). (with L Stanislawski, B Buttenfield and E Shavers) 

Presentation: 2019, “Towards an Atlas of Gerrymandering.” Web map and poster submission to the Avenza Map Competition, American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., April 5th, 2019.  (with B Oladipupo, AM Nawa and R Manchakkai, students, and D Viertel) 

Publication: 2017, “Visualizing statistical significance of disease clusters using cartograms.” International Journal of Health Geographics, 16:19.  (with DW Wong) 

Publication: 2017, “Manual construction of continuous cartograms through mesh transformation.” Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 45(1):76-94.  

Publication: 2017, “A Heuristic multi-criteria classification approach incorporating data quality information for choropleth mapping.” Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 44(3):1-13.  (with M Sun and DW Wong) 

Presentation: 2016, "Southern Appalachian Region Presettlement Land Survey Record Tree Observations." ILGISA Annual Conference, Naperville, IL. (with Miles Dwiggins, student)

Publication: 2015, "Toward Democratization of Geographic Information: GIS, Remote Sensing, and GNSS Applications in Everyday Life." In: P. Thenkabail (ed.), Remote Sensing Handbook (Volume 1): Data Characterization, Classification, and AccuraciesCRC Press, 423-444. (with G. Sinha and JC Brunskill).

Publication: 2015, "Restricted Random Labeling: Testing for Between-Group Interaction After Controlling for Joint Population and Within-Group Spatial Structure." Journal of Geographical Systems 17(1):1-28. (with T.F. Leslie)

Publication: 2015, "A Classification Method for Choropleth Maps Incorporating Data Reliability Information." The Professional Geographer 67(1):72-83. (with M. Sun and D.W. Wong)

Presentation: 2016, "Implicit Visualization of Uncertainty on Health Maps Using Cartograms." American Association of Geographers Annual Conference.

Presentation: 2015, "Map Distortion by Design: Visualizing Human Population Dynamics with Cartograms." Illinois GIS Day, Champaign, IL.

Presentation: 2015, "Tweets and Turns: Python Scripting in an Educational Setting." Illinois GIS Association Annual Meeting, Springfield, IL. (with Greg Weber, student)

Dr. Christopher Laingen

Presentation: 2021, "The Changing Rural Landscape of Odin Township, Minnesota." 7th Annual Midwestern History Conference. (invited)

Presentation: 2019, "Abandoned Farmsteads in Southwestern Minnesota." 50th Annual South Dakota State Geography Convention. (invited)

Presentation: 2019, "The Changing Agricultural Landscapes of the Midwest and Great Plains." University of Nebraska Geography Program. (invited)

Publication: 2019, "A Perspective on Changes Across the U.S. Corn Belt." Environmental Research Letters DOI: 10.1088/1748-
9326/ab9333. (with E. Hunt, H. Birge, M. Licht, J. McMechan, W. Baule, and T. Conner)

Publication: 2019, "Geographies of the Borderlands." In The Interior Borderlands: Regional Identity in the Midwest and Great Plains, edited by J. Lauck. Sioux Falls, SD: Center for Western Studies.

Publication: 2018, "The Agrarian Midwest: A Geographical Analysis." In Finding a New Midwestern History, edited by J. Lauck, J. Hogan, and G. Whitney. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.

Presentation: 2018, "Agricultural Geography and the Corn Belt." University of Nebraska School of Natural Resources. (invited)

Publication: 2017, "Human Drivers, Biophysical Changes, and the Climatic Variation Affecting Contemporary Cropping Proportions in the Northern Prairie of the U.S." Journal of Land Use Science DOI: 10.1080/1747423X.2017.1413433

Publication: 2017, "Creating a Dynamic Regional Model of the U.S. Corn Belt." International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research 8(4): 19-29.

Publication: 2016, "American Farms, American Food: A Geography of Agriculture and Food Production in the United States." Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. (with John C. Hudson)

Mentored-Presentation: 2016, "Comparing Raster-based and Survey-based Cropland Change in Illinois, 1999 to 2015." 91成人视频 Student Research and Creative Discovery Conference. (Alicia Waller, student) <CLICK HERE FOR PDF OF POSTER>

Presentation: 2016, "The Geography of Sorghum in the United States." American Association of Geographers Annual Conference.

Publication: 2015, "Measuring Cropland Change: A Cautionary Tale." Papers in Applied Geography 1(1):65-72.

Publication: 2015, "Having it Both Ways?: Land Use Change in a U.S. Midwestern Agricultural Ecoregion." The Professional Geographer 67(1):84-97. (with R.F. Auch)

Presentation: 2015, "The Agrarian Midwest: A Geographical Analysis." The Hauenstein Center Conference on The Midwest: Finding the Lost Region. (invited)

Dr. James Riley

Publication: 2015, "Influence of Junction Angle on Three-Dimensional Flow Structure and Bed Morphology at Confluent Meander Bends During Different Hydrological Conditions." Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 40:252-271. (with B.L. Rhoads, D.R. Parsons, and K.K. Johnson)

Publication: 2014, "Estimation of Regional Flow-Duration Curves for Illinois and Indiana." United States Geological Survey Investigations Report 2014-5177. (with T.M. Over, J.B. Sharpe, and D. Arvin)

Presentation: 2015, "Tracking Large Woody Debris in a Low-Energy Meandering River." Association of American Geographers Annual Conference. (with Jessica Intravaia, student) <CLICK HERE FOR PDF OF POSTER>

Presentation: 2015, "Patterns of Flow Structure and Bed Morphology at a Chute Cutoff Obstructed by Large Woody Debris." Association of American Geographers Annual Conference. (with Daniel Stadler, student) <CLICK HERE FOR PDF OF POSTER>

Dr. James Riley takes students to Kickapoo Creek in rural Charleston Illinois, to learn skills in measuring and analyzing erosion.

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Department of Geology and Geography

Physical Science Building
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920
(217) 581-2626

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