GISci Lab
The GISci Lab, located on the 2nd floor of the Physical Sciences Building (room 2020), is used to instruct students enrolled in courses related to Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing. The lab provides modern tools and techniques for teaching, research, and training geographers. The lab is used by students and faculty to study and better understand issues such as:
- population studies
- crime analysis
- business/market analysis and site selection
- sustainable energy resources
- agricultural landscape change
- 20 fully functional computing stations
- color and black & white printers
- Canon iPF8300S large format plotter
- Contex large format scanner
- GPS equipment (survey & mapping grade)
- ArcMap®, used primarily to view, edit, create, and analyze geospatial data.
- ArcCatalog®, which provides an integrated and unified view of all the data files, databases and ArcGIS documents available to ArcGIS users.
- ArcGlobe®, allowing users to view and analyze very large amounts of 3D GIS data seamlessly and with extremely fast display speeds.
- ArcScene®, which allows you to overlay many layers of data in a 3D environment.
- ENVI®, software to process and analyze all types of geospatial imagery and data.
- MapViewer®, an affordable mapping and spatial analysis tool that allows you to easily produce publication-quality thematic maps.
- Free and Open Source software including QGIS, R, PyScripter