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91成人视频 Illinois Higher Education Center


The IHEC Listserv: If you would like to receive mailings, or you would like information sent out on our listserv please email Annabelle at alescamilla@eiu.edu. Consider subscribing to the listservs related to alcohol, other drug, and violence prevention that are presented below!

AODV Prevention Listservs:

a frequently updated listing of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's website.

: a weekly update from the Center for Substance Abuse Research.

: a forum and information source for college health professionals, students with an interest in health promotion, and other individuals who are interested.

: a listserv designed as a communication network for student affairs individuals involved with campus crisis management and violence prevention.

The Health Education and Technology List: a listserv provided for those interested in new technologies in health promotion and health behaviors. To subscribe, send an email to listproc@unc.edu and leave the subject line blank. In the body of the email type: subscribe heat your first name your last name.

College Student Suicide Listserv: to exchange ideas, promote discussion and generally improve the quality of suicide prevention programming on college campuses. To join, please email: cssp-listserv@googlegroups.com

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