FY24 Administration has closed. Survey results will be distributed to participating schools in FY25.
Survey Administration Checklist
Illinois Institutions Only
This survey is to determine the current incidence and prevalence of alcohol and other drug use on Illinois 2 and 4-year college campuses. Furthermore, students’ perception of others’ use; perceptions of risk related to use; beliefs regarding use; negative consequences associated with use; experiences of secondhand effects of others’ use; experiences of physical and sexual violence; and the relationship of alcohol and other drug use to campus climate issues will, also, be examined.
The Core Alcohol and Drug Survey was administered on a statewide basis in the spring semesters of 2006, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2022. During our 2012 administration, approximately 12,600 students at 23 Illinois institutions of higher education (16 four-year institutions and 7 two-year institutions) participated in the administration.
Moving forward, we are no longer working with CORE or utilizing the CORE survey. In place of the Core, we are administering our newly developed IACSUB survey. This survey will assess the same topics as CORE, with slight modifications. It is an adaption of the Missouri statewide survey.
Survey will follow similar content to CORE, focusing on substance use, harm reduction efforts, and similar topics.
The goal for both Department of Human Services and the Illinois Higher Education Center is to have over 40 institutions and over 15,000 students participate in this coming spring’s administration. Institutional results can be used to provide data for the federally mandated Safe and Drug Free Campuses Biennial Review, for campus needs assessment, program development, and grant writing needs. The aggregate Illinois data is used to help both the Department of Human Services and IHEC in fund seeking, program development, resource allocation and assessment.
We are still recruiting schools for this year's administration, so I would like to include some information below. In order to participate, we will need an official letterhead stating the permission for us to administer the survey. We are getting approval from the 91成人视频 IRB to administer the survey. In order to send a survey out to you, we need the following pending your approval: